每个项目都是从一个想法开始的. 这个项目可行吗?? 在十大电子游艺平台首选, we work closely with our clients to review preliminary budgets, 日程安排, 施工方法, 并探索价值工程选项. Our goal is to help our client’s vision become a reality, 按时在预算范围内交付每个项目.
Construction documents are not only needed for obtaining township approvals and building permits, but they also define and establish the scope of work for contracting and construction execution. Therefore, one of the keys to a successful project is having the right set of construction documents.
在十大电子游艺平台首选, we have strategic partnerships by which we provide complete construction documents for all phases of design. 我们例行地提供架构, 民事, 结构, 电, 机械, 管道, 消防, 并为客户提供流程解决方案. From the initial consultation through project completion, we work closely with our design professionals to advise them on constructability issues and project costs.
The site plan approval and building permit application process can be a daunting task. 十大电子游艺平台首选 Construction has years of 经验 with this process and will guide your project through the many government agencies that have jurisdiction over each application. We are familiar with the various requirements of each agency and how to do business with them. We routinely usher our client applications through this process to help obtain approvals and permits.
十大电子游艺平台首选也有相关知识, 经验, and contacts to expedite the application process with the various utility companies. This ensures that all systems are in place and on time for the commissioning of your project.